This is SOLID. Thank you, Aly! Good for anyone who ruminates, especially during stressful times.

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I love this. Thank you!!

Can’t join this Sunday, but I’d love to in the future.

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Apr 20Liked by Aly Prades

Aly, I love this so much! I appreciate the reminder to hold the weight of the emotion we're feeling without having to justify why we're feeling that emotion. And I'm so glad you showed up and shared this! :) Thank you for this helpful tip.

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I’m so glad to hear from you Aly! Just a few days ago I was thinking of you and hoping you’ve been alright as I know you were dealing with some tough health stuff a while ago.

I appreciate how this strategy could help me to remember to sit with the anxiety and let it move through me instead of trying to fix it. I get so caught up in what I’m anxious about that I forget to use my tools, and I could see this being a way for me to remember to pause. Thanks for sharing!

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Apr 19Liked by Aly Prades

I love this! Now I have to do it!

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Apr 23Liked by Aly Prades

Love this! I can get stuck in the why and this was so good.

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I love this piece so much! The way you explained it and made it visual makes it so accessible. So many can benefit from this! Simple in nature, but challenging to execute in the moment. Thank you for sharing!

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This is such good advice! It’s easy for the feeling to become a rumination, an obsession with understanding why it’s happening that just fuels the fire.

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