“It’s like body dysmorphia, but for your brain.” Ugh, very relatable. This essay was validating and informative. I'm technically undiagnosed, but I've long believed I have OCD (as do many people who know me well). Your posts have been so helpful on my journey, and I want to thank you for being brave and showing up as your self to tell your truth through writing.

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Thank you for sharing your experiences. I have a tween who has been struggling with anxiety for a few years and there is some overlap with OCD so I’m interested to listen to that podcast. Also, I just want you to know that as I have conversations with her therapist I feel a genuine sense of peace around the possibility of new/additional diagnoses because of you! I now know that OCD is treatable and manageable and that an earlier diagnosis is so beneficial because it just gives you more time to learn skills and how to relate to the OCD!!

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“it’s important to note that in OCD, people do not WANT to perform their compulsions, but feel they must or something terrible will happen or they have an overwhelming feeling of discomfort if they don’t do them.”

Yes! It’s infuriating when I hear clients talk about people who say “just don’t do it, then!” Like it’s a choice. This was so great, Aly. Honest and informative and vulnerable!

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Aly, this is so powerful. I know what you mean by poison: the shame, the nonsensical nature of each fixation, the total confusion from people who don't have it. Before that, in elementary school, I took a gymnastics class for a few years, and I really loved it. The other day I found myself feeling a messed-up sort of gratitude that I quit before my scrupulosity/pure-O OCD came on at 12 or 13, because at least that way OCD didn't poison the class. It got to live in the time before. I'm in my 30s now and taking an aerial class, which has been so much fun--and wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't gotten treatment. Thank you for sharing your experience. It goes a long way to destigmatize this terrible mental illness.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Aly Prades

Aly, you had us in such suspense until part 2!! ;p This story vividly paints a picture of your world, poisoned by OCD. It feels like such a prison; I am sorry that High School Aly was robbed of being able to celebrate her achievements because of OCD. Thank you for sharing your story and also helping me understand mental compulsions a bit more. I'm also very curious about the podcast; I'll have to add it to my queue.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Aly Prades

The podcast about GAD vs OCD was an incredibly insightful and helpful resource! Thank you for sharing it (and for bravely sharing your story & journey)!

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Another powerful piece. Thank you.

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